Create a collection of NFTs with multiple editions

What is an ERC1155 smart contract and why are we using it?

The ERC1155 token standard is a versatile and powerful smart contract standard on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows for the creation of both fungible and non-fungible tokens within a single contract. This versatility gives ERC1155 tokens a wide range of utility and use cases. Key aspects of ERC1155 utility include:

  1. Efficiency and Scalability: ERC1155 tokens offer significant efficiency gains compared to individual ERC721 tokens. They enable multiple token types to be managed within a single contract, reducing deployment costs and improving scalability. Additionally, ERC1155 supports batch transfers, allowing multiple token transfers in a single transaction, which reduces gas costs and enhances overall performance.

  2. Flexibility and Interoperability: With ERC1155, developers can create tokens that are both fungible and non-fungible, offering a broader range of token possibilities. This flexibility allows for the representation of various asset types within a single contract, making it suitable for applications such as gaming, where different in-game items with varying attributes and rarity levels are required.

  3. Cost-Effectiveness: Deploying an ERC1155 contract for multiple token types is more cost-effective compared to deploying multiple ERC721 contracts for each unique token. This makes it an efficient choice for projects that require multiple assets or token types.

Now, let's compare ERC1155 to ERC721:

ERC721: The ERC721 token standard is primarily used for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and represents unique and indivisible digital assets. Key aspects of ERC721 utility include:

  1. Ownership and Provenance: ERC721 tokens allow for the ownership and provenance tracking of unique assets. Each token within an ERC721 contract holds its own distinct value and properties. This makes it ideal for representing digital collectibles, artwork, and other unique assets.

  2. Non-Fungibility: ERC721 tokens are non-fungible, meaning they cannot be divided or exchanged on a one-to-one basis. This characteristic makes ERC721 tokens suitable for representing assets that are one-of-a-kind or scarce.

  3. Limited Supply: Each ERC721 token has a limited supply, and each token ID is unique within the contract. This scarcity and uniqueness enhance the value and desirability of the assets represented by ERC721 tokens.

In comparison, ERC1155 provides greater flexibility and efficiency compared to ERC721. ERC1155 allows for the creation of both fungible and non-fungible tokens within a single contract, reducing deployment costs and improving scalability. Additionally, ERC1155 supports batch transfers, enabling multiple token transfers in a single transaction. This makes ERC1155 more suitable for projects requiring various token types or applications that benefit from efficiency and interoperability. On the other hand, ERC721 tokens are better suited for representing unique and indivisible assets, with a focus on ownership and provenance tracking.

How can I create one? how to use it?

Here's a step-by-step guide for creating an ERC1155 smart contract using Zero-Code Smart Contract Factory, incorporating the additional details you provided:

Step 1: Select Blockchain and Smart Contract Standard:

Choose the blockchain (Ethereum, Polygon, or Binance Smart Chain) and the smart contract standard (ERC721 or ERC1155) for your project in Zero-Code Smart Contract Factory.

Step 2: Enter Project Details:

Provide project details such as the name, description, owner's wallet address, treasury wallet address, and royalty wallet address.

Step 3: Define Token Details

Specify token details including the token symbol, maximum supply, royalty shares rate, maximum NFTs per transaction, default token quantity, quantity ID, quantity for X, team reserved ID, and team reserved for X. These parameters allow you to configure default quantities, customize quantity IDs and values, and reserve NFTs for specific purposes.

Step 4: Add NFT

Creatives and Metadata Upload NFT creatives and associated metadata or use pre-reveal versions. These visual assets and data provide information for each NFT.

Deploying pre-revealed Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is a method used by creators to build suspense and fair opportunity within their communities. In this process, NFTs are minted and listed on the marketplace without revealing their unique attributes or traits. Instead, they are typically represented by a generic placeholder image. The actual metadata – which describes the unique characteristics of each NFT, such as appearance, rarity, or traits – is kept hidden until a pre-determined reveal time. At the reveal time, the metadata on the smart contract is updated, and the unique properties of each NFT become viewable on the marketplace. This revealing is typically done by the creator calling a function in the smart contract, although the specific process may vary based on the marketplace and the contract itself. Refreshing the metadata on the marketplace then displays the true attributes of the NFTs, turning the previously identical NFTs into unique assets.

Step 5: Set Sales and Minting Parameters

Set the date of the sales, and minting price, and optionally, configure a whitelist for exclusive access and presale minting.

Step 6: Verify and Deploy

Verify contract details, initiate the deployment process, and deploy the ERC721 smart contract to the selected blockchain.

Step 7: Generate Designed Mint Experience

After deploying the smart contract, generate a designed mint experience using an iframe. Implement this mint experience in your application to provide a user-friendly interface for minting NFTs.

Step 7a: Update Whitelist

Update the whitelist as needed, adding or removing addresses that have exclusive access to purchase or mint NFTs.

Step 7b: Airdrop NFTs

Utilize the airdrop functionality to distribute NFTs to a specific list of individuals. Upload their wallet addresses and initiate the airdrop process to reward them with NFTs.

By following these steps, you can create and deploy an ERC721 smart contract using Zero-Code Smart Contract Factory. Customize various parameters, generate a designed mint experience, update the whitelist, and perform airdrops to distribute NFTs, including the additional parameters related to token quantities and team reservations.

Last updated