Token Gate content using API

How to Token Gate your content using Zero-Code's API?

Here's a step-by-step guide for generating a Token Gating API endpoint using Zero-Code launchpad:

Step 1: Access Zero-Code Launchpad

Log in to your Zero-Code account or sign up if you're a new user. Once logged in, navigate to the launchpad section where you can find a variety of tools and features to build and manage your Web3 projects.

Step 2: Create a Token Gater

Within the Zero-Code launchpad, locate the "Token Gater" feature. Click on it to begin the process of creating your token gater. Define the access conditions for gated content or features based on token ownership or specific criteria.

Step 3: Generate API Endpoint and Private Key

After configuring the token gater, you can generate the API endpoint and a corresponding private key. Zero-Code provides options to generate an API endpoint specifically for your token gater, which will serve as the entry point for your token gating functionality. In addition, a private key will be generated for secure authentication and authorization purposes when making requests to the API endpoint.

Step 4: Define API Parameters

Specify the parameters that will be required when making requests to the API endpoint. These parameters could include token information, access credentials, or any other data necessary to fulfill the token gating requirements.

Step 5: Implement API Endpoint

Implement the API endpoint in your development environment or backend system. This involves creating the necessary routes or functions to handle incoming requests to the API endpoint.

Step 6: Handle API Requests

Within your backend system, handle the incoming API requests to enforce the token gating functionality. Validate the provided tokens, check if the access conditions are met, and grant or deny access accordingly.

By following these steps, you can generate an API endpoint using Zero-Code launchpad and integrate it into your development environment. This allows you to enforce token gating functionality and control access to gated content or features based on defined conditions.

Last updated